My name is Abenezer Argaw, and I am dedicated to building a world that exceeds the expectations set by those who came before.

To that end, I will not cease to transcend—to become the person who can.

Take a look into my past and present to see my attempts at this pursuit, and discover how you can be part of that future

I’m based in San Francisco, and looking to connect with like minded individuals. I am deeply interested in technology, philosophy, economics and psychology.

In my final year of college, I realized that after years of internships, the conventional path for someone pursuing my degree was not what my heart yearned for. I delved deep into my past and introspected to discover my true path.

What I discovered was a consistent pattern of seeking out problems to solve in the world and looking for partners and people with a shared desire to embark on such ventures. However, at each of those instances, I encountered roadblocks, without any clear ideas on how to move forward.

I lacked the necessary knowledge, skills, and mentors to navigate the unknown. I understood that I needed more experience, more knowledge, and a community of like-minded individuals.

So, after graduating with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Minor in Computer Science, I set out in pursuit of these goals in the land of opportunity: San Francisco, California.

My Best Qualities

Highly Conscientious

If I set my mind to a goal, I will pursue it single-mindedly. There is not a thing that I cannot do, given enough time and incentive to do so.

Very Disagreeable

This is a bit of a red herring, but if we must, we will get down to first principles.

Open Minded

I am curious enough to try food I do not like at least 3 or 4 more times. There must be a reason others might find enjoyment in it. I extrapolate that sentiment to everything.

Since arriving in California, I have encountered individuals I never imagined meeting, each imparting new perspectives and mental models to me.

I faced significant challenges, akin to being cast into the middle of the sea to see if I would sink or float—instead I learned how to swim.

What was left was a hunger for even greater challenges, more experiences, and further opportunities.

“resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve”

Benjamin Franklin

Today, I believe I am well equipped to pursue my ventures confidently and although my tools will always need refining and up-leveling, I am at least ready for the journey ahead. And I trust I’ll find the right people on the way.

If you do not believe me, my response to you is 222.

You can personally ask me what that means.

Life asked me how badly I wanted it, and I responded in the way in which I live my life.

Excited by the future.

Caught in the act.

Here are some hobbies, interests, and just pictures.